Physics – 2 (65922) Course is a subject offered to Students of Polytechnic Diploma Disclipline of Bangladesh Technical Education Board, BTEB students.
Table of Contents
Physics – 2 (65922) Course
- To develop a foundation in scientific principles and processes for the understanding and application of technology.
- To develop an understanding of fundamental scientific concepts through investigation and experimentation.
- To provide a common base for further studies in technology and science.
- To develop the basic knowledge of modern physics.
Thermometry and Heat Capacity; Expansion of materials (effect of heat); Heat transfer; Humidity; Nature of heat and Thermodynamics; Photometry; Reflection of light; Refraction of light; Electron , photon and Radio activity; Theory of Relativity.
- Define heat and temperature.
- Mention the units of measurement of heat and temperature.
- Distinguish between heat and temperature.
- Identify the range of the Celsius scale determined by the boiling point and melting point of water
- State the construction and graduation of a mercury thermometer.
- Define specific heat capacity, thermal capacity and water equivalent with their units.
- Prove the total heat gained by an object is equal to the sum of the heat lost by all the surrounding objects.
- Explain the principle of calorimetry.
- Define various kinds of specific latent heat.
- Determine the latent heat of fusion of ice and latent heat of vaporization of water.
- Determine the specific heat of a solid by calorimeter.
- Show that different materials change in size at different amounts with the same heat source.
- Explain the meaning of differential expansion in bimetallic strip, thermostats, compensated pendulum etc.
- Explain the methods of overcoming problems caused by the expansion of materials in buildings, machinery, railway lines and bridges.
- Mention the units co-efficient of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids.
- Define the co-efficient of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids.
- Relation between the co-efficient of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids.
- Define real and apparent expansion of liquid.
- Relation between the real and apparent expansion of liquid.
- Identify the phenomena of heat transferring from hot bodies to cold bodies.
- Explain the methods of heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation with examples of each type of transfer.
- Define thermal conductivity (K) and Co-efficient of thermal conductivity.
- Find the unit and dimension of Co-efficient of thermal conductivity.
- List the factors which determine the quantity of heat (Q) flowing through a material.
- Show that the quantity of heat flowing through a material can be found from Q = KA (H C)td
- State Stefan-Boltzman Law and wien’s law.
- State Newton’s law of cooling.
- Explain Green house effect.
- Define Standard Temperature and Pressure.
- Define Humidity, Absolute Humidity, Relative Humidity and Dewpoint.
- Relation between vapour pressure and air pressure.
- Determine Humidity by wet and dry bulb hygrometer.
- Explain few phenomena related to hygrometry.
- Describe the caloric theory and kinetic theory of heat.
- Explain the mechanical equivalent of heat.
- State and Explain the first law of thermodynamics .
- Explain Isothermal and adiabatic change.
- Explain Specific heat of a gas, Molar specific heat or molar heat capacity.
- Relate between pressure and volume of a gas in adiabatic Change i, e;PV=const.
- State and Explain Reversible process and irreversible process.
- State & explain 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Entropy: Definition, unit and significant.
- Explain Change of entropy in a reversible and irreversible process.
- Give an example of increase of entropy in irreversible process.
- Define light, medium (transparent, translucent, opaque), luminous & non-luminous bodies, parallel, convergent & divergent of rays.
- Show the travel of light in straight line.
- Define photometry, luminous intensity, luminous flux, brightness and illuminating power.
- Mention relation between luminous intensity & illuminating power.
- Explain inverse square law of light.
- Describe the practical uses of light waves in engineering.
- Define mirror (plane & spherical), image (real & virtual) and magnification of images.
- Describe the reflection of light.
- State the laws of reflection of light.
- Express the verification of laws of reflection.
- Define pole, principal axis, center of curvature, radius of curvature, principal focus in case of concave & convex mirrors.
- Find the relation between focal length & radius of curvature of a concave & convex mirror.
- Express the general equation of concave and convex mirror.
- Define refraction of light Give examples of refraction of light
- State the laws of refraction and Express the verification of laws of refraction
- Define absolute and relative refractive index and Relate absolute and relative refractive index
- Explain the meaning of total internal reflection and critical angle and Relate total internal reflection and critical angle.
- Give examples of total internal reflection.
- Describe refraction of light through a prism.
- Express the deduction of the relation between refractive index, minimum deviation and angle of the prism.
- Define lens and mention the kinds of lens.
- Identify and List uses of lens.
- Express the deduction of the general equation of lens (Concave & convex).
- Describe Electrical conductivity of gases.
- Describe Discharge tube.
- Cathode ray : Definition and its properties
- X-ray : Definition, properties & uses
- Discuss Photo electric effect .
- Derive Einstein’s photo electric equation
- Define and explain radio-activity.
- Describe radio-active decay law.
- Define half-life and mean-life of radio-active atoms.
- Define nuclear fission and fusion.
- Define Space, time and Mass.
- Define rest mass.
- Express the theory of relativity.
- Explain special theory of relativity and its fundamental postulate.
- Mention different Kinds of theory of relativity.
- The Relativity of Length – Length contraction.
- The Relativity of Time – Time dilation.
- Deduce Einstein’s mass -energy relation
- Compare the operation of common thermometers.
- Determine the co-efficient of linear expansion of a solid by Pullinger’s apparatus.
- Measure the specific heat capacity of various substances.(Brass, steel).
- Determine the latent heat of fusion of ice.
- Determine the water equivalent by calorimeter.
- Compare the luminous intensity of two different light sources.
- Verify the laws of reflection.
- Find out the focal length of a concave mirror.
- Determine the refractive index of a glass Slab.
- Determine the angle of Minimum deviation and refractive index of a glass prism by using I-D graph.
1. Higher Secondary Physics – Second Part – by Dr. Shahjahan Tapan
2. A Text Book of Heat and Thermodynamics – by N Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal
3. A Text Book of Optics – by N Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal
4. Higher Secondary Physics -Second Part – by Prof. Golam Hossain Pramanik
5. Higher Secondary Physics -Second Part – by Ishak Nurfungnabi
6. Thermodynamics – by K K Ramalingam
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