Physics – 2 (65922) Course

Physics – 2 (65922) Course is a subject offered to Students of Polytechnic Diploma Disclipline of Bangladesh Technical Education Board, BTEB students.

Physics - 2 (65922) Course

Physics – 2 (65922) Course



  • To develop a foundation in scientific principles and processes for the understanding and application of technology.
  • To develop an understanding of fundamental scientific concepts through investigation and experimentation.
  • To provide a common base for further studies in technology and science.
  • To develop the basic knowledge of modern physics.



Thermometry and Heat Capacity; Expansion of materials (effect of heat); Heat transfer; Humidity; Nature of heat and Thermodynamics; Photometry; Reflection of light; Refraction of light; Electron , photon and Radio activity; Theory of Relativity.




    1. Define heat and temperature.
    2. Mention the units of measurement of heat and temperature.
    3. Distinguish between heat and temperature.
    4. Identify the range of the Celsius scale determined by the boiling point and melting point of water
    5. State the construction and graduation of a mercury thermometer.
    6. Define specific heat capacity, thermal capacity and water equivalent with their units.
    7. Prove the total heat gained by an object is equal to the sum of the heat lost by all the surrounding objects.
    8. Explain the principle of calorimetry.
    9. Define various kinds of specific latent heat.
    10. Determine the latent heat of fusion of ice and latent heat of vaporization of water.
    11. Determine the specific heat of a solid by calorimeter.

    1. Show that different materials change in size at different amounts with the same heat source.
    2. Explain the meaning of differential expansion in bimetallic strip, thermostats, compensated pendulum etc.
    3. Explain the methods of overcoming problems caused by the expansion of materials in buildings, machinery, railway lines and bridges.
    4. Mention the units co-efficient of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids.
    5. Define the co-efficient of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids.
    6. Relation between the co-efficient of linear, superficial and cubical expansion of solids.
    7. Define real and apparent expansion of liquid.
    8. Relation between the real and apparent expansion of liquid.

    1. Identify the phenomena of heat transferring from hot bodies to cold bodies.
    2. Explain the methods of heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation with examples of each type of transfer.
    3. Define thermal conductivity (K) and Co-efficient of thermal conductivity.
    4. Find the unit and dimension of Co-efficient of thermal conductivity.
    5. List the factors which determine the quantity of heat (Q) flowing through a material.
    6. Show that the quantity of heat flowing through a material can be found from Q = KA (H  C)td
    7. State Stefan-Boltzman Law and wien’s law.
    8. State Newton’s law of cooling.
    9. Explain Green house effect.

    1. Define Standard Temperature and Pressure.
    2. Define Humidity, Absolute Humidity, Relative Humidity and Dewpoint.
    3. Relation between vapour pressure and air pressure.
    4. Determine Humidity by wet and dry bulb hygrometer.
    5. Explain few phenomena related to hygrometry.

    1. Describe the caloric theory and kinetic theory of heat.
    2. Explain the mechanical equivalent of heat.
    3. State and Explain the first law of thermodynamics .
    4. Explain Isothermal and adiabatic change.
    5. Explain Specific heat of a gas, Molar specific heat or molar heat capacity.
    6. Relate between pressure and volume of a gas in adiabatic Change i, e;PV=const.
    7. State and Explain Reversible process and irreversible process.
    8. State & explain 2nd law of thermodynamics
    9. Entropy: Definition, unit and significant.
    10. Explain Change of entropy in a reversible and irreversible process.
    11. Give an example of increase of entropy in irreversible process.

    1. Define light, medium (transparent, translucent, opaque), luminous & non-luminous bodies, parallel, convergent & divergent of rays.
    2. Show the travel of light in straight line.
    3. Define photometry, luminous intensity, luminous flux, brightness and illuminating power.
    4. Mention relation between luminous intensity & illuminating power.
    5. Explain inverse square law of light.
    6. Describe the practical uses of light waves in engineering.

    1. Define mirror (plane & spherical), image (real & virtual) and magnification of images.
    2. Describe the reflection of light.
    3. State the laws of reflection of light.
    4. Express the verification of laws of reflection.
    5. Define pole, principal axis, center of curvature, radius of curvature, principal focus in case of concave & convex mirrors.
    6. Find the relation between focal length & radius of curvature of a concave & convex mirror.
    7. Express the general equation of concave and convex mirror.

    1. Define refraction of light Give examples of refraction of light
    2. State the laws of refraction and Express the verification of laws of refraction
    3. Define absolute and relative refractive index and Relate absolute and relative refractive index
    4. Explain the meaning of total internal reflection and critical angle and Relate total internal reflection and critical angle.
    5. Give examples of total internal reflection.
    6. Describe refraction of light through a prism.
    7. Express the deduction of the relation between refractive index, minimum deviation and angle of the prism.
    8. Define lens and mention the kinds of lens.
    9. Identify and List uses of lens.
    10. Express the deduction of the general equation of lens (Concave & convex).

    1. Describe Electrical conductivity of gases.
    2. Describe Discharge tube.
    3. Cathode ray : Definition and its properties
    4. X-ray : Definition, properties & uses
    5. Discuss Photo electric effect .
    6. Derive Einstein’s photo electric equation
    7. Define and explain radio-activity.
    8. Describe radio-active decay law.
    9. Define half-life and mean-life of radio-active atoms.
    10. Define nuclear fission and fusion.
    1. Define Space, time and Mass.
    2. Define rest mass.
    3. Express the theory of relativity.
    4. Explain special theory of relativity and its fundamental postulate.
    5. Mention different Kinds of theory of relativity.
    6. The Relativity of Length – Length contraction.
    7. The Relativity of Time – Time dilation.
    8. Deduce Einstein’s mass -energy relation




  1. Compare the operation of common thermometers.
  2. Determine the co-efficient of linear expansion of a solid by Pullinger’s apparatus.
  3. Measure the specific heat capacity of various substances.(Brass, steel).
  4. Determine the latent heat of fusion of ice.
  5. Determine the water equivalent by calorimeter.
  6. Compare the luminous intensity of two different light sources.
  7. Verify the laws of reflection.
  8. Find out the focal length of a concave mirror.
  9. Determine the refractive index of a glass Slab.
  10. Determine the angle of Minimum deviation and refractive index of a glass prism by using I-D graph.




1. Higher Secondary Physics – Second Part – by Dr. Shahjahan Tapan
2. A Text Book of Heat and Thermodynamics – by N Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal
3. A Text Book of Optics – by N Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal
4. Higher Secondary Physics -Second Part – by Prof. Golam Hossain Pramanik
5. Higher Secondary Physics -Second Part – by Ishak Nurfungnabi
6. Thermodynamics – by K K Ramalingam